Unlock exclusive discounts with clla organization membership rates
Why Become a CLLA
Organization Member
Are you looking for a way to bring your organization together while also enjoying exclusive CLLA benefits and discounts? Look no further than CLLA’s Organization Membership Program!
Whether you’re a small business or a large corporation seeking to invest in your employees’ professional development, our Organization Membership discount has you covered.
Already a Member?
No problem. If your organization already has multiple CLLA memberships, your discount will automatically be reflected on your annual renewal invoices.
to unlock your discount fill out the application below.
If your business has two or more employees you qualify for a discount. The more employees you have, the more you save!
Organization Membership benefits include full access to exclusive products and services at member rates for each employee including:
√ continuing education
√ training and resources
√ networking opportunities
Membership Fee Includes:
- Regional Membership
- Section Membership
- Subscription to CLW
(Commercial Law World) magazine - Professional Education Development
for more information CALL
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Save up to 50% on Membership Fees
Unlock exclusive discounts with clla organization membership rates
Why Become a CLLA Organization Member
Are you looking for a way to bring your organization together while also enjoying exclusive CLLA benefits and discounts? Look no further than CLLA’s Organization Membership Program!
Whether you’re a small business or a large corporation seeking to invest in your employees’ professional development, our Organization Membership discount has you covered.
If your business has two or more employees you qualify for a discount. The more employees you have, the more you save!
Organization Membership benefits include full access to exclusive products and services at member rates for each employee including:
√ continuing education
√ training and resources
√ networking opportunities
Already a Member?
No problem. If your organization already has multiple CLLA memberships, your discount will automatically be reflected on your annual renewal invoices.
to unlock your discount fill out the application below.
Membership Fee Includes:
- Regional Membership
- Section Membership
- Subscription to CLW
(Commercial Law World) magazine - Professional Education Development
for more information CALL