2019 CLLA Capitol Hill Day

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CLLA’s 6th Annual Capitol Hill Day
February 24 – 25, 2019

We have an exciting Hill Day agenda and are looking forward to your participation. This is a great opportunity to promote the CLLA in DC, and to work on behalf of the issues that affect you. You do not need legislative experience or drafted a position paper. This event is open to ALL League members. We need your enthusiasm to promote League position papers (please make sure you are comfortable promoting the issue position you have signed up for!) to Congressional staff members and liaisons.


Sunday, February 24

4:00 pm
• Mini lobbying workshop (location to be determined)
• Assignments and directions
• Optional group dinner

Monday, February 25

8:00 am
• Depart for the Hill

5:00–7:00 pm
• Meet back at hotel in Meeting Place 1
• Debrief and departure

Here is an overview of the CLLA’s policy positions for Hill Day 2019:

Bankruptcy Venue Reform

The League supports a rebalancing of how commercial Chapter 11 cases are distributed throughout the country. Thus, it proposes legislation reform that limits venue to only where the debtor is headquartered or where its principal assets are located.

Bankruptcy Preference Reform

We also will be advocating preference reform, and have advanced three initiatives: (1) Too often, bankruptcy trustees sue creditors to recover all payments made within 90 days of a bankruptcy filing, even though the trustee knows that the creditor should not pay the full amount because the creditor has valid defenses. We accordingly seek legislation requiringthe trustees to meet and confer with creditors or their counsel before suing the creditors, and requiring the trustees to disclose viable defenses that the trustee knows exist; (2) We also seek legislation providing an affirmative preference defense to creditors for payments received during the 90-day period arising from a settlement agreement with the debtor; and (3) We seek toraise the threshold from $12,850 to $50,000 under which a bankruptcy trustee must sue a non-insider preference defendant in the jurisdiction in which the defendant resides, rather than in the trustee’s bankruptcy forum.

FDCPA and the litigation exception (H.R. 5082)

On December 5, 2017 Representatives Vicente Gonzalez (D-TX) and Alex Mooney (R- WVA) introduced the “Practice of Law Technical Clarification Act of 2017” which proposes to exclude law firms and licensed attorneys from the definition of a debt collector under the FDCPA when engaged in activities related to legal proceedings and to prevent the CFPB from exercising supervisory and enforcement authority when attorneys act in relation to legal proceedings. The CLLA fully supports the removal of attorneys from CFPB supervisory and enforcement authority.

PLEASE NOTE: The CLLA is planning to pursue policy positions during our upcoming 2019 Hill Day event: 1) bankruptcy venue reform; 2) bankruptcy preferences; 3) FDCPA and the litigation exception (H.R. 5082). Attendees are participating on behalf of the CLLA (i.e., to advocate and support the policy position that you signed up for) and are expected to refrain from advancing any personal issues/agendas or taking any contradicting positions. To ensure the greatest likelihood of success for the event, and advancing these positions, the CLLA requests that individuals not able to advocate your selected issue enthusiastically refrain from participating. Failure to comply with this request may result in an attendee being denied the ability to participate. Please contact Reuel Ash at (513) 698 -5118 or Peter Califano at (415) 765-0363 or Jim Kozelek at (614) 801-2768 if you have questions about any of the CLLA’s positions.

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CLLA Luncheon at the NCBJ in Seattle, Washington

CLLA Western Region Conference

Regsiter now for the Western Region Conference September 25-26, 2024 in Palm Springs, California.

CLLA Eastern Region Conference

Join us November 6-7, 2024 at the Manhattan Penthouse in New York, New York.

131st CLLA National Convention

Mark your calendars for the 131st CLLA National Convention May 14-16, 2025 in Chicago, Illinois.

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