The CLLA Agency Members Section

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The CLLA Agency Members Section

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The CLLA Agency Members Section

The Agency Members Section (AMS) gives a voice for all the CLLA Agency Members to share ideas and thoughts on national education, legislative advocacy, and how best to serve the collection agency constituency.

AMS membership is automatic with membership in the CLLA for any collection agency professional, and one need not be affiliated with a certified agency.

The AMS has an Executive Council comprised of 5 members. The AMS elects a collection agency member to serve a three-year term on the CLLA Board of Governors.

Agency Members Chair

Robert Ash
P: 201-871-0044

Radius Global Solutions, AMS Commercial Business Division
17-17 State Rt 208
Fair Lawn, NJ 07410

Creditors' Rights Section

The Creditors’ Rights Section (CRS) was founded to promote excellence amongst those professionals who represent creditors in the field of commercial collections and receivables recovery and provide a high level of education to those professionals.


Bankruptcy Section

The Bankruptcy Section (BKS) was founded to promote excellence in the practice of bankruptcy and insolvency law. Its members are amongst the highest regarded bankruptcy attorneys in the United States.


New Members' Section

The New Members’ Section (NMS) will promote and foster a spirit of cooperation, education and assistance among and between The New Members of the League and other members, and allow The New Members a voice within the League.


Association Of Law List Publishers

The Association of Law List Publishers (ALLP), established in 1935, is an organization of the publishers of reference directories which contain names of lawyers handling commercial and consumer debt recovery, bankruptcy and creditors’ rights law matters. The members of the Association continually work to promote the Commercial Law League of America, the triadic system and to enhance the creditors’ rights practices of their listees.



If you are a member, receive a $50 Visa Gift Card for every member you refer who joins! CLICK HERE to refer a new member.

Earn a $500 Credit with CLLA’s Agency-Get-A-Certified-Agency Referral Program.

REFER an agency for certification and your agency will receive a $500 credit* when that agency becomes certified. Your $500 credit can be used for a CLLA or IACC event. There are plenty of excellent events coming so be sure to be a part of this exciting offer!

Contact Dawn Federico, Director, at 312.240.1400 or email her at

*To qualify for the $500 credit, the referring member agency must contact the prospective member agency. The referring agency must also contact Dawn Federico and provide their contact information for follow up to the prospect agency.

The CLLA Agency Members Section

The Agency Members Section (AMS) gives a voice for all the CLLA Agency Members to share ideas and thoughts on national education, legislative advocacy, and how best to serve the collection agency constituency.

AMS membership is automatic with membership in the CLLA for any collection agency professional, and one need not be affiliated with a certified agency.

The AMS has an Executive Council comprised of 5 members. The AMS elects a collection agency member to serve a three-year term on the CLLA Board of Governors.

Agency Members Chair

Robert Ash
P: 201-871-0044

Radius Global Solutions, AMS Commercial Business Division
17-17 State Rt 208
Fair Lawn, NJ 07410

Creditors' Rights Section

The Creditors’ Rights Section (CRS) was founded to promote excellence amongst those professionals who represent creditors in the field of commercial collections and receivables recovery and provide a high level of education to those professionals.


Bankruptcy Section

The Bankruptcy Section (BKS) was founded to promote excellence in the practice of bankruptcy and insolvency law. Its members are amongst the highest regarded bankruptcy attorneys in the United States.


New Members' Section

The New Members’ Section (NMS) will promote and foster a spirit of cooperation, education and assistance among and between The New Members of the League and other members, and allow The New Members a voice within the League.


Association Of Law List Publishers

The Association of Law List Publishers (ALLP), established in 1935, is an organization of the publishers of reference directories which contain names of lawyers handling commercial and consumer debt recovery, bankruptcy and creditors’ rights law matters. The members of the Association continually work to promote the Commercial Law League of America, the triadic system and to enhance the creditors’ rights practices of their listees.



If you are a member, receive a $50 Visa Gift Card for every member you refer who joins! CLICK HERE to refer a new member.

Earn a $500 Credit with CLLA’s Agency-Get-A-Certified-Agency Referral Program.

REFER an agency for certification and your agency will receive a $500 credit* when that agency becomes certified. Your $500 credit can be used for a CLLA or IACC event. There are plenty of excellent events coming so be sure to be a part of this exciting offer!

Contact Dawn Federico, Director, at 312.240.1400 or email her at

*To qualify for the $500 credit, the referring member agency must contact the prospective member agency. The referring agency must also contact Dawn Federico and provide their contact information for follow up to the prospect agency.

Become A Member

Membership provides an opportunity to connect with professionals in your field and promote your services to other industry members.

Being engaged, involved, active, and present makes all the difference. Network and make new business contacts. Keep your CLE requirements up-to-date and find out about pending legislation that could affect your daily work, before it goes into effect by joining the CLLA.

Registration Open!
131st CLLA National Convention

May 14-16, 2025 in Chicago, IL

Registration Open!
Annual CLLA Luncheon & Hon. Frank Koger
Memorial Educational Program

September 18, 2025 in Chicago, IL

CLLA Eastern Region Conference 2025

November 5-6, 2025 in New York, NY

Thank You!
CLLA Hill Day 2025

March 2-4, 2025 in Washington, D.C.

Contact Us

3 + 12 =

Contact Info

3005 Tollview Drive, Rolling Meadows, Illinois 60008

+312 240 1400

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