Commercial Law League of America


March 5-6, 2024

Please see below for photos of the event, and CLLA policy positions, papers and critical issues lists.

CLLA Capitol Hill Day

Tuesday & Wednesday
March 5-6, 2024


On March 5th and 6th, the Commercial Law League of America returned, in-person, to Capitol Hill for its Annual Hill Day.  This year’s delegation included CLLA members from five states who met with Congressional members and staff.  The group was broken into three teams: student loan, bankruptcy venue, and bankruptcy subchapter V.

The bankruptcy venue team continued its effort to build support for the bi-partisan legislation for venue reform with co-sponsors, Ken Buck (R-CO-04) and Zoe Lofgren (D-CA-18).  Student loan reform continues to be a hot topic on the Hill, and the CLLA position provides relief to borrows and clarity for courts and lenders through statutory reform to modify the current “undue hardship” standard for dischargeability.  Several congressional aides interested with the CLLA proposal asked the CLLA take the next step and draft a formal bill with the CLLA’s proposed amendment to Bankruptcy Code §523(a)(8) along with defining “adequate standard of living”.

The Bankruptcy Chapter 11, Subchapter V, group, which proposes an increase and permanent codification to the current law set to expire in roughly one year was met with agreement across the board at virtually every Congressional meeting.  First time attendees, Zack Shelomith, Esq. and Ian McCarthy, Esq., rounded out the CLLA delegation, who traveled across the rainy, pre-State of The Union Hill with a total team effort this year! 

Thank You to Our Sponsors!

Below: CLLA Members met in Washington, D.C. on March 5th to plan their strategy for 2024 Hill Day.

Below: On March 6th, CLLA Members presented CLLA Policy Issues to Rep. Laurel Lee (FL-15), and to the staff of Rep. Ted Lieu  (CA) and  Rep. Joe Neguse (CO).

CLLA’s 2024 Policy Positions OVERVIEW

PLEASE NOTE: Attendees are participating on behalf of the CLLA (i.e., to advocate and support the policy position that you sign up for) and are expected to refrain from advancing any personal issues/agendas or taking any contradicting positions. To ensure the greatest likelihood of success for the event, and advancing these positions, the CLLA requests that individuals not able to advocate your selected issue enthusiastically refrain from participating. Failure to comply with this request may result in an attendee being denied the ability to participate. Please contact Dan Kerrick at (302) 656-7540 if you have questions about any of the CLLA’s positions.

Bankruptcy Venue Reform

The League supports a rebalancing of how commercial Chapter 11 cases are distributed throughout the country. Thus, it proposes legislation reform that limits venue to only where the debtor is headquartered or where its principal assets are located. In addition, with respect to affiliate filings, to make sure that subsidiaries follow parent-entity into bankruptcy (and not vice versa).

Creditors’ Rights and Bankruptcy Reform

Student Loan Dischargeability Reform
The League has adopted a proposed amendment to Bankruptcy Code Section 523(a)(8) that reclassifies “undue hardship” as “substantial hardship” which sets forth objective financial benchmarks for determining whether a student loan debt that first became due more than 10 years prior to the filing of the bankruptcy case is dischargeable. While other proposals focus on either eliminating Section 523(a)(8) altogether or limiting dischargeability to only private loans, the CLLA’s proposal was reached through a compromise between its Bankruptcy and Creditors’ Rights Sections and achieves the CLLA’s key mission of fairness and equality in application and administration of laws.

Bankruptcy Subchapter V
The League supports increasing the Subchapter V debt limit to $11,097,350.00, and making the increase permanent.

CLLA Capitol Hill Day

Tuesday & Wednesday
March 5-6, 2024

We have an exciting Hill Day agenda and are looking forward to your participation. This is a great opportunity to promote the CLLA in DC, and to work on behalf of the issues that affect you.

You do not need legislative experience or drafted a position paper. This event is open to ALL League members. We need your enthusiasm to promote League position papers (please make sure you are comfortable promoting these positions!) to Congressional staff members and liaisons.

Event Schedule


4 p.m.

Meet & mini-lobbying workshop; get assignments & directions (location to be determined).

Optional Group dinner to follow workshop


8 a.m.

Depart for the Hill

5 –7 p.m.

Meet back at hotel for debriefing in meeting room City 2-3




Registration deadline extended to February 16, 2024.

All CLLA Members … $199

Non-Members … $349


Cancellations must be submitted in writing to Registration fee refunds will be granted on the following schedule: Cancellation notices received on or before February 23 will receive 100% refund less $20 processing fee. No refund will be provided for notices received on or after February 25-March 1.



Get your firm’s logo placed on the CLLA Events page, Hill Day eblasts, Newswire, and Hill Day Program. Contact Dawn Federico at or call 312-240-1400.

Thank You to Our Sponsors!



400 E. Street SW
Washington, DC 20024
(202) 803-6110

ROOM RATE: $229 single/double. Rates do not include local taxes. Hot breakfast (included in room rate) is served every morning in the Guest Kitchen Mon-Fri 6:30-9:30 a.m. and Sat-Sun 7:00-10:00 a.m.

RESERVATIONS: Please call (888) 492-8847 and ask for the CLLA Hill Day 2024 Group Rate. Online reservations can be made by going to Click BOOK NOW to receive the discounted room rate.

CHECK IN/OUT: Check in: 3:00 p.m.  Check out: Noon

DEADLINE INFO: All reservations must be made by Friday, February 2, 2024, in order to receive the above rate. At the cut-off date, the Hotel will release the unreserved rooms for general sale. Reservations received after the cut-off date will be accepted at the Hotel’s existing rate on a space available basis.

CANCELLATIONS: Hotel reservations must be cancelled directly with the hotel. Cancellations must be received by the hotel no later than 48 hours prior to scheduled arrival or you will be billed one night’s room and tax.


INTERNET ACCESS: Complimentary in guest rooms.

CLLA’s 2024 Policy Positions


PLEASE NOTE: Attendees are participating on behalf of the CLLA (i.e., to advocate and support the policy position that you sign up for) and are expected to refrain from advancing any personal issues/agendas or taking any contradicting positions. To ensure the greatest likelihood of success for the event, and advancing these positions, the CLLA requests that individuals not able to advocate your selected issue enthusiastically refrain from participating. Failure to comply with this request may result in an attendee being denied the ability to participate. Please contact Dan Kerrick at (302) 656-7540 if you have questions about any of the CLLA’s positions.

Bankruptcy Venue Reform

The League supports a rebalancing of how commercial Chapter 11 cases are distributed throughout the country. Thus, it proposes legislation reform that limits venue to only where the debtor is headquartered or where its principal assets are located.

Creditors’ Rights Reform

Student Loan Dischargeability Reform
The League has adopted a proposed amendment to Bankruptcy Code Section 523(a)(8) that reclassifies “undue hardship” as “substantial hardship” which sets forth objective financial benchmarks for determining whether a student loan debt that first became due more than 10 years prior to the filing of the bankruptcy case is dischargeable. While other proposals focus on either eliminating Section 523(a)(8) altogether or limiting dischargeability to only private loans, the CLLA’s proposal was reached through a compromise between its Bankruptcy and Creditors’ Rights Sections and achieves the CLLA’s key mission of fairness and equality in application and administration of laws.

Bankruptcy Subchapter V
The League supports increasing the Subchapter V debt limit to $11,097,350.00, and making the increase permanent.

CLLA Is Grateful To Our Champion Sponsors!

Thank You To Our Champions Sponsors!

Become A Member

Membership provides an opportunity to connect with professionals in your field and promote your services to other industry members.

Being engaged, involved, active, and present makes all the difference. Network and make new business contacts. Keep your CLE requirements up-to-date and find out about pending legislation that could affect your daily work, before it goes into effect by joining the CLLA.

CLLA Hill Day 2025

March 2-4, 2025 in Washington, D.C.

Registration Open!
131st CLLA National Convention

May 14-16, 2025 in Chicago, IL

CLLA Western Region Conference 2025

September 4-5, 2025 in Burbank, CA

CLLA Eastern Region Conference 2025

November 5-6, 2025 in New York, NY

CLLA Southern Region Conference 2025

Thank You!

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Contact Info

3005 Tollview Drive, Rolling Meadows, Illinois 60008

+312 240 1400

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