Commercial Law League of America

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Commercial Law League of America

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The CLLA Political Action Committee Fund

The CLLA Political Action Committee (PAC) Fund is important to our participation in the political process. The need for this participation becomes evident each time we consider the negative coverage elements that our industry receives through the media and on Capitol Hill.

Fortunately, several members of Congress have stood with the CLLA and listened to the concerns of our industry. The CLLA PAC sends a powerful message of unity on behalf of the commercial law community. There is strength in numbers and the PAC allows us to pool our resources and influence public policy. Political visibility and Congress’s support for our profession will continue to be crucial as consumer groups and other special interests express their desires to reform aspects of the law that could be detrimental to your individual practices.

  • CLLA PAC uses the funds raised to support candidates for the United States Senate and House of Representatives who help promote CLLA’s legislative issues.
  • The CLLA PAC can only receive individual contributions (personal checks) or checks from business entities that are taxed as partnerships (e.g., law firms set up as a traditional partnership, an LLP, an LLC). The PAC may not accept contributions from corporations, professional corporations, or limited liability partnerships. No check or credit card may be drawn from such business entities.
  • Contributions to the CLLA PAC are not deductible for state or federal income tax purposes. Contributions to CLLA PAC are voluntary and you have the right to refuse to contribute without fear of reprisal.

Federal law requires us to make our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and employer for individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year.

A suggested contribution to the PAC is $500.00; other amounts (either more or less) up to the federal limit of $5000.00 per person will be gratefully accepted. By participating in the PAC you will join thousands of concerned commercial law professionals in influencing the future of the industry.

Only CLLA members are allowed to contribute.  If you are a member and would like to contribute click the button below. The contribution form is password protected. Please contact Dawn Federico at for more information.

Only CLLA members are allowed to contribute.  If you are a member and would like to contribute click the button below. The contribution form is password protected.

If you prefer to pay by check, make checks payable to CLLA PAC and mail it to:

Commercial Law League of America
3005 Tollview Drive
Rolling Meadows, IL 60008

Please contact Dawn Federico at for more information.

The CLLA Political Action Committee Fund

The CLLA Political Action Committee (PAC) Fund is important to our participation in the political process. The need for this participation becomes evident each time we consider the negative coverage elements that our industry receives through the media and on Capitol Hill.

Fortunately, several members of Congress have stood with the CLLA and listened to the concerns of our industry. The CLLA PAC sends a powerful message of unity on behalf of the commercial law community. There is strength in numbers and the PAC allows us to pool our resources and influence public policy. Political visibility and Congress’s support for our profession will continue to be crucial as consumer groups and other special interests express their desires to reform aspects of the law that could be detrimental to your individual practices.

  • CLLA PAC uses the funds raised to support candidates for the United States Senate and House of Representatives who help promote CLLA’s legislative issues.
  • The CLLA PAC can only receive individual contributions (personal checks) or checks from business entities that are taxed as partnerships (e.g., law firms set up as a traditional partnership, an LLP, an LLC). The PAC may not accept contributions from corporations, professional corporations, or limited liability partnerships. No check or credit card may be drawn from such business entities.
  • Contributions to the CLLA PAC are not deductible for state or federal income tax purposes. Contributions to CLLA PAC are voluntary and you have the right to refuse to contribute without fear of reprisal.

Federal law requires us to make our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and employer for individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year.

A suggested contribution to the PAC is $500.00; other amounts (either more or less) up to the federal limit of $5000.00 per person will be gratefully accepted. By participating in the PAC you will join thousands of concerned commercial law professionals in influencing the future of the industry.

Only CLLA members are allowed to contribute.  If you are a member and would like to contribute click the button below. The contribution form is password protected. Please contact Dawn Federico at for more information.

Only CLLA members are allowed to contribute.  If you are a member and would like to contribute click the button below. The contribution form is password protected.

If you prefer to pay by check, make checks payable to CLLA PAC and mail it to:

Commercial Law League of America
3005 Tollview Drive
Rolling Meadows, IL 60008

Please contact
Dawn Federico at 
for more information.

Become A Member

Membership provides an opportunity to connect with professionals in your field and promote your services to other industry members.

Being engaged, involved, active, and present makes all the difference. Network and make new business contacts. Keep your CLE requirements up-to-date and find out about pending legislation that could affect your daily work, before it goes into effect by joining the CLLA.

Registration Open!
131st CLLA National Convention

May 14-16, 2025 in Chicago, IL

Registration Open!
Annual CLLA Luncheon & Hon. Frank Koger
Memorial Educational Program

September 18, 2025 in Chicago, IL

CLLA Eastern Region Conference 2025

November 5-6, 2025 in New York, NY

Thank You!
CLLA Hill Day 2025

March 2-4, 2025 in Washington, D.C.

Contact Us

1 + 2 =

Contact Info

3005 Tollview Drive, Rolling Meadows, Illinois 60008

+312 240 1400

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